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With Love ,, Vie ..

Senin, Juni 30, 2014

Have I found the Real Me?

Have been tired of love. Yeah, I have.

So sad and pathetic, indeed. Yet, that’s the fact. I’m broken, again.
I guess it’s the ending. I’ve hurt his feeling once and now it seems that he has done his revenge.
How cruel! I don’t know, I have no idea about what in his mind is.
Well, let me just call it as a revenge. And he has succeed. Well done!

Btw, it’s been so long since I post my last posting.
Have been so busy about my new world, the real world. Yeah, I’ve been born in the real life.
I’ve once thought that it would be a scary place, in fact, it’s scarier than what I have imagined.
What a world!

Receive it or not, I’ve been here. And you know what, as others do. It’s time for me to find the real me.
I have to choose that path or continue my whole life like a slave of other’s life.
I just wonder why it still feels like a dream. How hard it is to wake up.
If it was a fairytale, I would just need to wait for the prince to give me a true love kiss to break the sleeping curse. Unfortunately, only Snow White or Aurora were lucky enough to have that destiny.

Well, I hate grumbling, actually. But I always did.
Neither love nor life can give a kind of sweet story. And I’m kindda bored of these.
I’ve fell and broken for so many times. How many times should I be reborn?
Am I tough enough to keep moving on?
I guess it’s not a choice.

“Okay, sweet girl, wake up now! Let’s find the real you!”