This is my blog ....

Dear Reader ...
Welcome to my blog ..
Hope you'll enjoy it ... ^_^
With Love ,, Vie ..

Senin, Desember 12, 2011

Waiting For That Moment

Oh, God.
I don't know what I feel. It's over my head.
This stupid little girl (No, I meant this smart and lovely girl) grumbled again!
She cried all night!
Saying that she missed her parents and brothers, and the home 'atmosphere'.

Yesterday was my 21th birthday!
Oh God, I'm getting old!

You know, that girl I meant is me my self!
I did! I cried all the night, the night before my birthday!

Mom, Dad,
You should know how I love you!
You should know how I miss you!
You are more than meets the eye!
Even though,
I always make you sad.
I always make you disappointed.

But, I promise I'll make you proud someday!
You know, Mom, Dad,
I do wait that moment!
I do wait the moment when you'll smile proudly and looking at me!

Those days I've passed are not that beautiful.
I guess you understand!
Sometimes I should smile when I cry!

Sometimes, often I fell jealous!

It's hard Mom, Dad!
But, I do it for you!

I'll keep fight!

Kamis, November 24, 2011

Lebih Galau Lagi


Galau tingkat Dewa!
Malam ini ga bisa tidur gara-gara Cappucinno. Argggh!
Tapi Sumpah, Cappucinno'nya enak banget! #Gak Nyesel Nyesel Amat!

Oya, hari ini aku galau gara-gara Kakak Bebek!
Dia jalan ma mantannya!
oke, gpp, aku gpp.

Aku tegasin sekali lagi, aku gpp! Aku gpp!

Oke, sekarang, Lupakan dulu!

Lagi, hal lain yang ngebuat galau!
aku kayaknya ngidap hypochondria!

Jeng Jeng!

Ya ALLAH, cukup hypochondria!
jangan lebih. Kumohon..

Aku masih mau hidup!

Belakangan ini aku sering parno banget, gara-gara mikirin tanganku ini yang suka kesemutan!

Browsing di Google malah nambahin galau.

*Jangan remehkan kesemutan!
*Kesemutan=Penyakit syaraf?

OMG, I'm sick of it!

Ya ALLAH, aku mau sehat!

Mau check up, mahal! Gimana ya..

#So sad